Support Us

There are lots of different ways you can support us to make a difference to the lives of bereaved families

How can I help?

Donate Now

If you would like to make a donation to support our cause you can make a donation now in a few easy steps. Maybe you or your family have had your own experience of bereavement and you would like to donate to us in the memory of a loved one.  Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to improve support for bereaved children.

Help us with Fundraising

We are always looking for volunteers to raise funds to help us make a difference to bereaved children. Whether you are an expert baker and are happy to organize a cake sale, or an exercise enthusiast who can get people to sponsor you in an athletic feat, we would love to hear from you! From coffee mornings to sponsored bike rides every penny counts. We also organise several events annually and are always looking out for people willing to muck in!

Support Us

If you would like to help us with our aim to provide memory boxes, improve training for professional staff and support memory making experiences for bereaved families, find out more about our fundraising.