On Friday the 25th of March we welcomed another group of volunteers for a box packing session held at The Ship Inn, Alveston.

Working in pairs our amazing volunteers packed 150 memory boxes! A huge thank you to Nicky, Nic, Anna, Rachel, Jess and Sonia for volunteering their time to support us!

Following the box packing session two of our trustees made an immediate delivery of memory boxes to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Southmead Hospital.

Moving forward all of our memory boxes supplied to Southmead Hospital will have a Southmead Hospital Charity sticker on the box, this is because the charity will be generously funding ALL memory boxes supplied to the trust! As a charity this means so much to us. Southmead is where this all started. This will go a long way to help with the financial pressure we face as a small charity, thank you.

As always our thanks also go to The Ship Inn, Alveston for free use of the function room together with putting on tea and coffee for our volunteers.

Thanks also to Thornbury Van Hire for discounted hire.